O COGNITIVISMO (Português (Brasil))


Cognitivism. Meaningful learning. Sociointeractionism. Skill teaching. Learner-centered education.

How to Cite

Rodrigo de Almeida Cunha, T. . (2023). COGNITIVISM AS A WAY TO PROMOTE MEANINGFUL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Humans in Perspective, 9. Retrieved from


The labor market has increasingly demanded an education that is more centered on the learner and teaching that includes skills and abilities. This work aims to try to demonstrate how the cognitive approach, when taking into account the learner’s mental capacities, can contribute to a meaningful learning of the contents. For this, we describe and analyze an English language class in a medical class at a private college, which contemplates the elaboration of a methodology that takes into account learning principles based on cognitive theories, in particular, developed by Vygotsky, through sociointeractionism. , and Ausubel, from whose theory we explore the concept of meaningful learning. The results allow us to perceive that, in fact, a teaching more focused on the learner can provide a more meaningful learning of the concepts to be learned, but it can also be decisive in the sense of facilitating the learning of these contents and creating a more propitious environment for an education based on in fewer obstacles and prejudices, inside and outside the school environment.

O COGNITIVISMO (Português (Brasil))


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