UMA ABORDAGEM (Português (Brasil))


Physics. Isaac Newton. Strategies. Learning.

How to Cite

Pereira de Araujo, V. ., Francisca dos Santos Brizola, S. ., Fernandes, T. ., Angélica Francischini, A. ., Lorrayne Barbosa dos Santos Freitas, K. ., Silva da Mota Gonçalves, S. ., Polassi Gonçalves, V. ., Iraci Malaquias, M. ., Vieira dos Santos, Z. ., Alves da Silva, E. ., do Nascimento Silva, E. ., da Silva, I. ., & Mara Tossi, T. . (2023). AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL APPROACH TO NEWTON’S LAWS: A WAY TO TEACH THEM. Humans in Perspective, 9.


This academic work is conceptualized as an approach to the concepts of Newton’s laws within the discipline of Physics and how to better work them within an increasingly technological and digital school reality. The research is bibliographic and qualitative in nature and aimed at Physics within a pedagogical perspective that can contribute to student learning. Newton’s laws are a set of three fundamental principles of classical physics formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. These laws describe the behavior of bodies at rest and in motion, and are the basis for understanding many physical phenomena in the world around us. Thus, if an understanding is shared in this work that the historical trajectory of physics as a science has a lot of emphasis on the assumptions brought by Isaac Newton and being a way of facilitating in the sense of learning the discipline of Physics and demystifying that it is a difficult discipline.
UMA ABORDAGEM (Português (Brasil))


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