A CONTRIBUIÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


Construction of Identity; Pedagogical Practices; Teacher training; Praxis.

How to Cite

de Sá Leite Ferreira Lacerda, S. ., Gomes Leite, J. ., Rejane Brasileiro Costa , I. ., Paulo Pereira, R. ., & Pereira de Queiroz Nunes, Z. . (2024). THE CONTRIBUTION OF TEACHING IN THE FORMATION OF TEACHER IDENTITY. Humans in Perspective, 10.


This article intends to discuss about the contribution of the didactics in the formation of the teacher’s identity, thus, it aims to show the formation of the teacher and the influence brought by the Didactics to his professional life, allowing that the teacher build his professional identity through the valorization of the educating as a social being. In addition, it intent to show the need of a reflection on the constitution of the teacher as a professional and the links between formation and construction of the identity. This study is justified by the importance of the teaching professional in society and in the educational background of the students. The union between theory and practice (praxis) is essential for teaching to occur properly, making the student obtain, in fact, a quality education based on the integral training of their educators, showing that they are inseparable issues in this moment. With that, it became necessary to revise the training curricula of the teachers in order to guarantee an overcoming of the old concepts of the Didactics and methodology, adopting new mechanisms capable of printing changes in society and in the subjects. Didactics are fundamental for teachers to connect theory and practice and, between this, to may impose the real social transformations through education. To this end, was used the methodology of bibliographic research, seeking to elaborate an analytical framework so that it was possible to obtain an understanding of the importance of praxis for the teacher’s life and for social transformations.
A CONTRIBUIÇÃO (Português (Brasil))


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