POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS (Português (Brasil))


Public Policies; Education; Challenges; Perspectives;

How to Cite

das Graças da Silva Souza, M. ., Pereira da Silva, Z. ., Martins da Silva, E. ., Dias da Silva, D. ., & Paulo Pereira, R. . (2024). PUBLIC POLICIES AND SCHOOL MANAGEMENT: PRESENT PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES. Humans in Perspective, 10.


Public Policies related to education constitute the materialization of state actions in favor of the quality of education and the achievement of objectives set in the short, medium and long term. These Public Policies are responsible for many of the current improvements observed in schools, but the process of implementing these policies is surrounded by challenges, as well as perspectives that aim above all at the efficiency of school management. This article aims to outline reflections on the perspectives and challenges that school management faces in light of public policies related to the teaching-learning process. This is a qualitative research of a bibliographical nature, based on official documents from the Ministry of Education and other research on the topic with a focus on discussing the challenges and current perspectives of approaching the topic and outlining reflections that contribute to academic discussion and knowledge and education scholars, as it is a topic of relevant importance for understanding current educational phenomena.
POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS (Português (Brasil))


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