ANÁLISE DO USO (Português (Brasil))


Adolescence. Development. Technology.

How to Cite

Araújo, E. ., & Gerlânia Soares Batista, K. . (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE OVERUSE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN ADOLESCENCE. Humans in Perspective, 3. Retrieved from


The present article analyzed the impacts of the excessive use of the information technology and communication about teenager’s lives in current context through bibliographical exploration, transiting through the various fields of scientific knowledge, psychology, sociology and others. The discussion of this theme becomes quite relevant based on the assumption that excessive use of the new technologies has been hampering the development and involvement of the teenagers in their family and social contexts. Adolescents are showing serious adaptation problems in social contexts, reaching adulthood totally dependent on their families and with deeply immature emotional behavior, without interpersonal adaptation skills and unprepared for the demands of work environments. However, we also consider that limited and adequate use can bring numerous benefits to those who use these media.

ANÁLISE DO USO (Português (Brasil))


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