ARTES PLÁSTICAS (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


self-control, motivation, self-knowledge, social skills, empathy

How to Cite

Menacho-Vargas, I. ., Pío Vásquez Ramos, S. ., Dita Alva Corcuera, R. ., & Robalino Sánchez, K. . (2021). PLASTIC ARTS IN THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF STUDENTS OF REGULAR BASIC EDUCATION IN PERU. Humans in Perspective, 5.


The present investigation has as general objective to determine the effects that the application of the plastic arts program has on the development of the emotional intelligence of the sixth grade students of the Villa el Salvador district. This study had a quantitative approach, positivist paradigm and the method used is the hypothetical - deductive, the type of research is applied and the research design was experimental, performing the pre-test and post-test with a single group, performing a test before the program and another after having completed the program in order to perform an analysis regarding the effects of the program on the emotional intelligence of the students. The study population was 110 6th year students from Sections A, B, C, D with 32, 26, 25, 27 students, respectively. For the sample, all students in section A were taken into account, that is, 32 students, this sample was non-probabilistic. The emotional intelligence test for children was used as an instrument in the study. This instrument adapted the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence proposed by Goleman, being 60 the test questions, 12 questions for each dimension. The validity of the instrument was determined by a pilot test carried out on 20 sixth grade students from section D, belonging to the same educational institution. For the reliability of the instrument, the pilot sample was analyzed. From the analysis of the results, it is concluded that the plastic arts program has significant effects on the development of students' emotional intelligence. of the sixth grade of primary school in the district of Villa el Salvador.
ARTES PLÁSTICAS (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


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