
COVID-19; stroke; neurology; SARS-CoV-2

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Vieira da Silveira Santos, D. ., Romaneto Marques, G. ., Franco de Almeida, L. ., Luisa de Souza Holanda, A. ., Henrique Leite Guedes, I. ., & Carlos de Oliveira Dutra, J. . (2021). STROKE AS A COMPLICATION OF COVID-19 INFECTION. Health and Society, 1(03).


The coronavirus disease, caused by the new coronavirus, more contagious than it´s predecessors, has relations with the cerebrovascular accident. The stroke continues to be a medical emergency and evidences show that the infection by COVID-19 is a risc factor. The present article intend to determinate how the COVID-19 can influenciate in a stroke. The studies used in this article were found at PubMed and SciELO databases in English, Portuguese and Spanish, in the year of 2020, with the keywords “COVID-19”, “stroke”, “neurology” and “SARS-CoV-2”.


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