FRANCHISE AGREEMENT (Português (Brasil))


Franchise agreement, franchising, legislation of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity, business reputation, commercial experience

How to Cite

Iosifovna Sitdikova, R. ., & Anatolievich Petrov, D. . (2021). FRANCHISE AGREEMENT UNDER THE LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(01).


The franchise agreement in the Russian Federation is the main agreement that formalizes the relationship for organizing a business in the form of franchising. Under a franchise agreement, one party (franchisor) undertakes to provide the other party (user), for a fee, for a period or without specifying a period, the right to use in the user's business a set of exclusive rights belonging to the franchisor, including the right to a trademark, service mark, as well as rights to other objects of exclusive rights provided for by the agreement, in particular to a commercial designation, a secret of production (know-how). The paper analyzes the content and features of this agreement.
FRANCHISE AGREEMENT (Português (Brasil))


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