1) Do you want to know our editorial policy? Access the link: Política editorial

2) Do you want to know which jobs we accept? Access the link: Escopo e objetivos

3) Do you want to know the submission flow? Access the link below:

Version in portuguese: Fluxo de submissão

Version in english: Submission Flow

4) Do you want to know the text formatting rules? Access the link: Regras de formatação

5) Do you want to know about our metrics? Access the link: Nossas métricas

6) Do you want to know what our indexers are? Access the link: Nossos indexadores

7) Do you want to know how to submit your text? Access the link below:

Version in portuguese: Envio de manuscrito

Version in english: Manuscript submission

8) You want to know what happens to your text after publication?

After the publication of your text, it will be available on the publisher's website and we will also promote it on the social networks of academia.edu and reseachgate. To know the address of social networks, you can click on the link: Our social networks

9) If you have any complaints, what to do?

You can contact the publisher's email directly (periodicojs@gmail.com) or whatsapp +55 83 9 9615-6019. We ask that when you contact us, please inform us of the reason for the complaint and the order you wish to place.

10) How to do some post-publication correction?

You must contact the publisher via email (periodicojs@gmail.com) or whatsapp +55 83 9 9615-6019 and explain what error was detected so that the correction can be made. The contact must occur within 05 (five) days after the publication of the text, after that date we will no longer be able to edit the texts, in order not to have any damage to the survey of the editing metrics.

We hope we have resolved all your doubts, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us using the contacts below: