School failure is something that, despite being so old, impresses us all the time, as it happens naturally in schools and, even though it is known to all, there has been no effective thought of an efficient psychopedagogical intervention that will revert the high rates, especially in the Portuguese language subject. Furthermore, it must be said that this situation does not only depend on the teachers, but on the entire school community: parents, coordinators, directors, family members and other collaborators of the educational institution and especially on all students involved in this context. In education, when it comes to learning difficulties, this issue is immediately associated with the less favored class, that is, family history becomes one of the premises to justify what was not fulfilled throughout the student’s life, which is nothing more than the right to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to know the origin of the lack of learning success, of the school failure in the Portuguese language subject that leads to high failure rates in Brazilian schools in order to intervene in this situation more judiciously. It is also worth mentioning that the current conditions allow rethinking about the teaching of reading and writing, as there are several considerations regarding the didactic knowledge accumulated in the really significant educational transformations. It is expected, without looking for culprits, to seek the union of agents and actions with transformative interventions in improving school learning, abolishing or minimizing the so-discussed school failure through failure in the Portuguese language subject.
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