The research consists of a deep analysis of the influence of art, mainly visual, on human life. Based on psychoanalytic, social and semiotic studies, it seeks to understand the way in which an image is fixed in the mind and its possible consequences, both in the individual and social bias. Investigating the meaning and origin of art from different points of view and areas of study, whether as a sign and language, a libidinal object or an unconscious manifestation of creativity. There is no fixed answer of what art is or is not, but from different points of view we can at least understand the dimension of its performance. When analyzing art as a manifestation of language, it is perceived that it is not in a field outside the individual, at the same time that it is not restricted to him. Therefore, we seek to understand where it is located and how it establishes the relationship between art and its expressions. Understanding to what extent there is a difference between the individual and the artistic projection, and how the artistic manifestation returns to its present state of mind.
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