ACADEMIC WRITING (Português (Brasil))


Education. Academic Writing. Scientific Writing.

How to Cite

Beatriz Coelho Soares , B. . (2022). ACADEMIC WRITING: PRACTICAL TIPS FOR WRITING SCIENTIFIC WORKS. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 3(03), 228–235.


Writing an academic text can be a very challenging process for undergraduates and graduate students. One of the explanations is the fact that it is a skill that not all people master or have ease. In addition, scientific writing is part of a broader thought-making process and involves revisions and rewrites until the design of the final product. Therefore, this material arises as a result of consulting and advisory experiences for the preparation of academic papers.
ACADEMIC WRITING (Português (Brasil))


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Tozoni-Reis, Marília Freitas de Campos (2009). Metodologia da pesquisa. [S.l]. [s.n.].


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