A ATUAÇAO (Português (Brasil))


Sociology. Racism. Institutions.

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Pereira de Araujo, V. ., Francisca dos Santos Brizola, S. ., Fernandes, T. ., Angélica Francischini, A. ., Lorrayne Barbosa dos Santos Freitas, K. ., Silva da Mota Gonçalves, S. ., Polassi Gonçalves, V. ., Iraci Malaquias, M. ., Vieira dos Santos, Z., Alves da Silva, E. ., do Nascimento Silva, E. ., da Silva, I. ., & Mara Tossi, T. . (2023). THE PERFORMANCE OF SOCIOLOGY FRONT OF THE CONSTRUCTS OF INSTITUTIONAL RACISM. Humans in Perspective, 9. Retrieved from


this bibliographical article proposes a reflection on the concept of institutional racism, and what could be the performance of Sociology in the face of the evidence of its manifestation. When thinking about the Brazilian social reality, one realizes how much racism is penetrated and the history of social struggles such as those of the contemporary black movement in the face of public policies and in public power spaces. It intends to analyze the sociologist’s performance in the face of institutional racism and his action for good in a diffuse way in the functioning of institutions and organizations. It is pointed out that, in the deconstruction of racism, it is necessary, in addition to the implementation of solid public policies, to provoke a process of deracialization, generating academic reflections on how the constructs of these mechanisms are operated. In the various social areas, where it is up to the sociologist to act, biopower devices must be analyzed, as they manage the life of the population from a racial point of view. Therefore, there is a need for more qualitative research, especially those with an ethnographic approach that reflect on how these devices operate in the institutions’ daily lives.

A ATUAÇAO (Português (Brasil))


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