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dyslexia. Challenges. Teaching. Learning

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Guilherme da Rocha, A. ., Regina de Queiroz, C. ., Ferreira da Costa, D. ., do Nascimento Silva, E. ., Batista Nunes da Cunha, E. ., do Nascimento, G. ., Alves Bertolino dos Santos, H. ., da Silva, I. . ., Cardosos dos Santos, J. ., Costa Wathier dos Santos, J. ., Eliane Bezerra dos Santos, M. ., Alves da Silva Gastaldi, M. ., Francisca da Silva, M. ., da Rocha Farias, O. ., Celi Vieira da Silva Correia, R. ., Carvalho de Assunção, S. ., & Reifur Morais, S. . (2024). PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES BROUGHT TO EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS IN THE APPROACH OF DYSLEXIA. Humans in Perspective, 11.


This methodological path is to better understand that the paths traveled were for the dyslexic child to have the right to learn. Since the subject dyslexia is little thought and discussed in school spaces. The research sought for reflections and encouragement of the discussion on the theme, in order to add to those who seek new paths, who can enrich their methodologies in the teaching process. This study related to dyslexia was conducted, which is the importance of working methodologies and the differentiated activities within the classroom, proving to the reality of a dyslexic student. This intention addresses the concept of dyslexia, its characteristics and consequences in the learning of the dyslexic student.
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