LA SOCIALIZACIÓN (Português (Brasil))
CARTA DE ACEITE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


primary socialization, secondary socialization and oral language.

How to Cite

Esmeralda Ibarguen-Cueva, F. ., Erika Chirinos Mendoza, A. ., Alejandro Tasayco Jala, A. ., Jenny Espinoza Ibarra, H. ., Zárate – Ruiz, G. ., & Lucía Merma Yépez, N. . (2021). SOCIALIZATION AND ORAL EXPRESSION IN SECOND GRADE STUDENTS, LIMA, PERU. Humans in Perspective, 2. Retrieved from


The main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between socialization and oral expression in students of the second grade of primary de la Unidad de Gestión Local 01 de Lima network. The type of research was basic with a quantitative approach. The study population was composed of 274 students, from the 5 educational institutions of the UGEL 01 and was obtained as a sample 104 students. A checklist was used as an instrument. For the processing of information Ms Excel V. 2010 and SPSS Statistics V. 22.0.0 were used, the validity was performed by expert judgment and the reliability was determined by the Kuder-Richardson coefficient (KR-20). To contrast the hypotheses, non-parametric statistics, Rho de Spearman, were used. The correlation results were 0, 545 and their significance (p=0.001) so it is concluded that there is a positive correlation between socialization and oral expression in the students of the second grade of primary de la Unidad de Gestión Local 01 de Lima.

LA SOCIALIZACIÓN (Português (Brasil))
CARTA DE ACEITE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


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