A INCLUSÃO ESCOLAR (Português (Brasil))


Autism. Children Inclusion

How to Cite

Cristina Vieira Diniz Alves, M. ., & Gerlânia Soares Batista, K. . (2021). THE SCHOOL INCLUSION OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN IN BASIC EDUCATION. Humans in Perspective, 3. Retrieved from


This article presents the inclusion of autistic children in basic education as a theme. School Inclusion is a reality that needs to be everyone's responsibility and that leads us to reflect on this right before society. The school today is no longer one that had a single audience, it has been growing and becoming a much more communicative school and more prepared to receive a more heterogeneous audience, becoming a more welcoming and rich in learning space. This research started from the need to reflect on the Educational Inclusion of students with autism, and to understand the difficulties of carrying out inclusive actions of these students in regular education. The methodology used was bibliographic research, based on theorists such as Pacheco (2007), Rosseto (2005) who talk about inclusive education, Freire (1996) who discusses the importance of dialogue in the student-teacher perspective. Finally, it was understood that there is an immense need and precision in seeking clarity, knowledge and forms of socialization for inclusion, which go beyond bureaucratic molds. It is always necessary to seek new alternatives, each one with its specificities, taking into account the diversity that characterizes society and the school that it comprise

A INCLUSÃO ESCOLAR (Português (Brasil))


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