This research presents the final results of the scientific initiation project, whose objective was to identify the interrelationships between the cognitive processes of memory, emotions and feelings in the development of learning in the school context of the initial years of Elementary School. The research is bibliographic in nature (Gil, 2022), carried out in two stages: on a theoretical level, studies on Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology were reviewed; on a documentary level, dissertations and theses produced between 2015 and 2024 were collected, with the aim of identifying the learning concepts of teachers in the initial years of Elementary School. It was concluded that teaching research is essential both to exercise researcher and teacher skills, as well as to learn about new foundations that are crucial for pedagogical practices, as they promote significant learning, which not only consolidates knowledge, but also fosters environments motivating, inclusive and culturally relevant, crucial elements for a transformative education adapted to students’ needs.
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