DIREITOS HUMANOS (Português (Brasil))


Women. Human rights. Women rights.

How to Cite

Alves, M. dos S., Tamires Rodrigues de Azevedo, A. ., & Socorro Duarte Rocha, S. . (2021). HUMAN RIGHTS CONQUERING WOMEN’S RIGHTS. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(03).


This work aims to make a reflective analysis of how Human Rights contributed to the achievement of women's rights. Discuss about social, political, economic and historical conditions that enabled women to validate rights provided for by law, such as: abuse and violence of all types, sexual and reproductive rights, specific social rights for women, violation of their physical integrity , between others. The analysis was carried out in the light of national and international documents that provide for women's rights, starting in the light of Brazilian constitutions, moving through international agreements and ending with the Maria da Penha law, a reference in the achievements of rights for women. Also using the source of newspapers, magazines, leaflets, among others, in order to gather information about the subject. The advancement of the guarantee of rights achieved by women in recent centuries is undeniable, but it was possible to notice that Brazilian legislation today has several mechanisms that support women's rights, however it appears that even so, Brazil continues to show high rates of violence against women and that the legislation has not been able to combat and/or end this type of crime.
DIREITOS HUMANOS (Português (Brasil))


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