
state, law, ideology genesis, digital transformation of society, phenomenology, law, naive consciousness, conditioned consciousness, default, cynicism

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S. Shestopal, S. ., Y. Mamychev , A. ., V. Kachurova, S. ., & V. Kachurov, E. . (2021). GENESIS OF IDEOLOGIES THROUGH THE PRISM OF INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(01).


The new milestones should be expected with the formation of a digital civilization, in the development of all institutions of social relations. Within the mainstream of present study, the authors aim to trace the evolution of ideological institutions, to describe the potential threats and risks for a government institution associated with the introduction of digital technologies resulted in the modern transformation of the value and regulatory foundations of society through the new challenges of digital transformation of international, state-law and social relations. Presently, the two definitions are constituting the concept of ideology. The first one is claiming the “false consciousness” (K. Marx); the second one -“enlightened false consciousness” (P. Sloterdayk). This constructional evolution of the relationship between phenomenology and ideology that is in the center of the study of numerous scholars exists over a century. Along with this story, the philosophy itself as a science had been considerably changed. Such a sharp deviation of the various theories of knowledge of the last two centuries was caused exclusively by the practical orientation of ideological consciousness. The present study is focused on the clarification of this urgent for modern political philosophy issues being strongly influenced by intensive development of information and communication technologies


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