
Marise de Santana. Afro-descendant legacy. decolonial education

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dos Santos Brandão, L. . (2021). CROSSINGS AND AFRICAN LEGACY OF MARISE DE SANTANA: : FOR A DECOLONIAL EDUCATION. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(05).


The study in focus aims to analyze some of the contributions of black woman, teacher, academic activist, Bahian and intellectual Marise de Santana who, with her strong Afro-descendant legacy, contributes to the construction of a decolonial education in the southwest of Bahia. The analysis proposed here configures strategies that transit through a curricular construction process that draws a map of multiple entries proposing a dialogic education in order to build rhythms of belonging pregnant with aphrodiasporic potential. And under this challenge, in the field of reflections, building a place or not that enhances curriculum policies capable of responding to contemporary educational needs is extremely necessary. The ethnographic path goes in the direction of thinking about how the practices of this academic activist have dismantled hegemonic and Western-centric models. This work has its genesis from the extension training at ODEERE - Education and Ethnic Racial Relations Agency of the State University of Southwest Bahia/UESB, Jequié which I was a student in 2009 and 2010 and in classes I was able to learn and re-signify my practices with the speeches of female power Marise de Santana. It should be noted that the corroborations arising from the extension activities of the University hereby epigraphed, as well as the academic/faculty journeys culminated in an interest in discussing Santana's legacy from a decolonial debate.


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