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students, learning activity, learning motives, academic achievements, interaction

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Gahramanli, N. . (2024). THE RELATİONSHİP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ LEARNİNG MOTİVATİON AND ACADEMİC ACHİEVEMENT. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 5(06), 491–504.


The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between students’ learning motivation and academic achievement. Here, the directions of formation of learning motivations, including their role in achieving academic achievement, are investigated. Also, the manifestations of academic achievement motivation, including its main directions, are brought into focus. It is noted that various factors play a role in maintaining the optimal level of learning motivation, increasing academic indicators of requirements, including the establishment of academic performance. Here, internal and external motives predominate. Here, research on learning motives and academic achievements is systematized, including the requirements, directions for optimizing learning motives in the field of education. It has been established that academic achievement depends more on the student’s mental abilities than on his perseverance, independence, self-confidence and self-control. Therefore, learning motivation, as a rule, should be presented as one of the main factors affecting the achieved learning results.
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