RESEARCH (Português (Brasil))


Political Action, Space of Experience, Individual and Collective Identity, Hannah Arendt, History, Horizon of Expectation, Renhart Koselleck, Memory, Past, Present, Future, Totalitarianism.

How to Cite

Elias Garcia, T. . (2024). RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES IN HISTORY. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 5(03), 192–206.


The texts explore the works of Hannah Arendt and Reinhart Koselleck, highlighting their perspectives on the relationship between past, present and future, as well as the role of memory and history in the human experience. Arendt emphasizes the importance of political action and learning from the past to avoid historical mistakes. Koselleck introduces the categories “space of experience” and “horizon of expectation” to understand how past experiences and future expectations shape our perception of the present. Hartog's text expands the discussion on memory and history, showing how these elements relate and influence each other in the interpretation of historical events and the construction of individual and collective identity.
RESEARCH (Português (Brasil))


ARENDT, Hannah. O conceito de História - Antigo e Moderno. In: Entre o passado e o futuro. 8ª Ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva.

HARTOG, François. Memória, história, presente. In: Regimes de Historicidade. Presentismo e experiências do tempo. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2013, p. 133-191.

JUNIOR, Garcia. Pela Monárquia. Jornal O Brazil. 15 de abr, p. 2, 1896.

KOSELLECK, Reinhart. “Espaço de experiência” e “horizonte de expectativa”: duas categorias históricas”. In: . Futuro passado: Contribuição à semântica do tempo histórico. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, Editora da PUC-Rio, 2006, p. 305-327.


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