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de Carvalho Vaz Costa, A. ., & Wendel Santana Coêlho, M. . (2022). HISTORICAL ROADS OF PUBLIC POLICIES FOR EDUCATION IN THE BRAZILIAN SCENARIO WITH EMPHASIS ON THE MAIS EDUCAÇÃO PROGRAM. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 3(05), 291–314. https://doi.org/10.51249/gei.v3i05.974


The present text named “Historical Paths of Public Policies for Education in the Brazilian Scenario with Emphasis on the Mais Educação Program”, is the result of a research developed at FICS - Interamericana Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of the Postgraduate Program in the Master of Science in Sciences. of Education - whose general objective is to analyze in a critical-reflexive way the Mais Educação Program, about the activities carried out at the Municipal School Benjamin Farah in the municipality of Bom Jesus da Lapa - BA. This is an excerpt from the dissertation carried out which deals with this theme in which, specifically, it has as its main function to identify the situation of the educational space and the service in relation to the offer of activities of the Mais Educação Program in the researched school. For this, the qualitative methodology was adopted as a guideline, which is engendered in the analysis of historical, hybrid, complex and antagonistic social phenomena that produce the most diverse social transformations. A priori, bibliographic sources were used in articles, texts and books to collect the necessary information and elaborate the guiding data of the research, as basic elements that historicize the context of the Mais Educação Program and the struggle for the effectiveness of this modality, as a public policy, which will enable the expansion of knowledge in line with what is prescribed. The research results reveal that the way in which the Mais Educação Program was implemented in the researched school needs adjustments to effectively serve the students with quality and carry out the actions in a significant way. In this work, paths are pointed out by which we believe that the PME can contribute to emancipation, as we believe that the transformation of this situation in which the students find themselves can only be carried out with the change of public educational policies and a more humanist and holistic view.



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