
Methodology. Learning. Technology.

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de Souza, D. ., Lima Cangirana, V. ., & Wendel Santana Coêlho, M. . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF ICT IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 3(05), 338–358.


Analyzing the current context of education, there is a need for new artifices to capture the attention of students in Brazilian schools, making it necessary to have an integrative teaching method that draws their attention, providing an innovative vision for the school, a stigmatized place. as not adapted to the new times. As the objective of this work we want to investigate the desires and difficulties of teachers regarding the use of new educational methodologies more accurate TICS (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching and learning. Thus, through technology, there is the possibility for many students to increase their integration with knowledge and to see the subjects in practice and to strengthen ties and enhance their interaction and rapport with regard to pedagogical decisions. For the implementation of this educational device, either because of the students’ economic difficulties or the lack of material in schools, common problems in Brazilian society, but which cannot prevent the necessary progress. Therefore, the real need to use ICTs as a learning aid in the Brazilian educational system is analyzed, as a great tool to support teachers and captivate students.


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Copyright @ 2021 Trivium- dia 7 de outubro de 20122.

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